AAKC Kyu Testing
400 West Washington Street, Ann Arbor MI 48103 400 West Washington Street, Ann ArborRegistration begins at 12:00 PM in Studio B. Warm-Up Class will run from 12:30-1:10 PM. Kyu Testing will begin at 1:15PM.
Registration begins at 12:00 PM in Studio B. Warm-Up Class will run from 12:30-1:10 PM. Kyu Testing will begin at 1:15PM.
Registration begins at 12:00 PM in Studio B. Warm-Up Class will run from 12:30-1:10 PM. Kyu Testing will begin at 1:15 PM and run until 3:00 PM. Fee is $30 for Junior students and $35 for Adults. NOTE: There is a $10 fee for those testing for the first time.
What: Instructor training and seminar Where: Lakeshore Karate Club When: 9/28 from 6 - 9PM; 9/29 from 10 AM - 4 PM; 9/30 from 9 AM - noon Cost: Each module is $25. Friday's module is "What is Karate?" Saturday's modules are "Stances in Karate" and "Reaction force" Sunday's module is "Body parts used in Karate"